Meeting Pearls 2
Meeting Pearls Vol. II (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
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138 lines
** Amiga Oberon Interface Module:
** $VER: Expansion.mod 40.15 (28.12.93) Oberon 3.0
** © 1993 by Fridtjof Siebert
MODULE Expansion;
e * := Exec,
d * := Dos,
c * := Config;
expansionName * = "expansion.library";
(* flags for the AddDosNode() call *)
startProc * = 0;
(* BootNodes are scanned by dos.library at startup. Items found on the
list are started by dos. BootNodes are added with the AddDosNode() or
the V36 AddBootNode() calls. *)
BootNodePtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO BootNode;
BootNode * = STRUCT (node* : e.Node)
flags * : SET;
deviceNode* : e.NodePtr;
(* expansion.library has functions to manipulate most of the information in
ExpansionBase. Direct access is not permitted. Use FindConfigDev()
to scan the board list. *)
ExpansionBasePtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO ExpansionBase;
ExpansionBase * = STRUCT (libNode * : e.Library)
flags - : SHORTSET; (* read only (see below) *)
private01 : e.BYTE; (* private *)
private02 : LONGINT; (* private *)
private03 : LONGINT; (* private *)
private04 : c.CurrentBinding; (* private *)
private05 : e.List; (* private *)
mountList * : e.List; (* contains struct BootNode entries *)
(* private *)
(* error codes *)
ok * = 0;
lastBoard * = 40; (* could not shut him up *)
noExpansion * = 41; (* not enough expansion mem; board shut up *)
noMemory * = 42; (* not enough normal memory *)
noBoard * = 43; (* no board at that address *)
badMem * = 44; (* tried to add bad memory card *)
(* Flags *)
ebClogged * = 0; (* someone could not be shutup *)
ebShortMem * = 1; (* ran out of expansion mem *)
ebBadMem * = 2; (* tried to add bad memory card *)
ebDosFlag * = 3; (* reserved for use by AmigaDOS *)
ebKickBack33 * = 4; (* reserved for use by AmigaDOS *)
ebKickBack36 * = 5; (* reserved for use by AmigaDOS *)
(* If the following flag is set by a floppy's bootblock code, the initial
open of the initial shell window will be delayed until the first output
to that shell. Otherwise the 1.3 compatible behavior applies. *)
ebSilentStart* = 6;
base * : ExpansionBasePtr;
(*--- functions in V33 or higher (Release 1.2) ---*)
PROCEDURE AddConfigDev *{base,- 30}(configDev{8} : c.ConfigDevPtr);
(* --- functions in V36 or higher (Release 2.0) --- *)
(* --- REMEMBER: You are to check the version BEFORE you use this ! --- *)
PROCEDURE AddBootNode *{base,- 36}(bootPri{0} : LONGINT;
flags{1} : LONGSET;
deviceNode{8} : d.DeviceNodePtr;
configDev{9} : c.ConfigDevPtr): BOOLEAN;
(*--- functions in V33 or higher (Release 1.2) ---*)
PROCEDURE AllocBoardMem *{base,- 42}(slotSpec{0} : LONGINT);
PROCEDURE AllocConfigDev *{base,- 48}(): c.ConfigDevPtr;
PROCEDURE AllocExpansionMem *{base,- 54}(numSlots{0} : LONGINT;
slotAlign{1} : LONGINT): e.APTR;
PROCEDURE ConfigBoard *{base,- 60}(board{8} : e.APTR;
configDev{9} : c.ConfigDevPtr);
PROCEDURE ConfigChain *{base,- 66}(baseAddr{8} : e.APTR);
PROCEDURE FindConfigDev *{base,- 72}(oldConfigDev{8} : c.ConfigDevPtr;
manufacturer{0} : LONGINT;
product{1} : LONGINT): c.ConfigDevPtr;
PROCEDURE FreeBoardMem *{base,- 78}(startSlot{0} : LONGINT;
slotSepc{1} : LONGINT);
PROCEDURE FreeConfigDev *{base,- 84}(configDev{8} : c.ConfigDevPtr);
PROCEDURE FreeExpansionMem *{base,- 90}(startSlot{0} : LONGINT;
numSlots{1} : LONGINT);
PROCEDURE ReadExpansionByte *{base,- 96}(board{8} : e.APTR;
offset{0} : LONGINT): e.BYTE;
PROCEDURE ReadExpansionRom *{base,-102}(board{8} : e.APTR;
configDev{9} : c.ConfigDevPtr);
PROCEDURE RemConfigDev *{base,-108}(configDev{8} : c.ConfigDevPtr);
PROCEDURE WriteExpansionByte *{base,-114}(board{8} : e.APTR;
offset{0} : LONGINT;
byte{1} : e.BYTE);
PROCEDURE ObtainConfigBinding *{base,-120}();
PROCEDURE ReleaseConfigBinding*{base,-126}();
PROCEDURE SetCurrentBinding *{base,-132}(currentBinding{8} : c.CurrentBindingPtr;
size{0} : LONGINT);
PROCEDURE GetCurrentBinding *{base,-138}(currentBinding{8} : c.CurrentBindingPtr;
bindingSize{0} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE MakeDosNode *{base,-144}(parmPacket{8} : e.APTR): d.DeviceNodePtr;
PROCEDURE AddDosNode *{base,-150}(bootPri{0} : LONGINT;
flags{1} : LONGSET;
deviceNode{8} : d.DeviceNodePtr): BOOLEAN;
(* --- functions in V36 or higher (Release 2.0) --- *)
(* --- REMEMBER: You are to check the version BEFORE you use this ! --- *)
PROCEDURE ExpansionResrved26 *{base,-156}();
PROCEDURE WriteExpansionWord *{base,-162}(board{8} : e.APTR;
offset{0} : LONGINT;
word{1} : INTEGER);
(* $OvflChk- $RangeChk- $StackChk- $NilChk- $ReturnChk- $CaseChk- *)
base := e.OpenLibrary(expansionName,33);
IF base = NIL THEN HALT(d.fail) END;
IF base#NIL THEN e.CloseLibrary(base) END;
END Expansion.